The power of real-time semantic analysis at your fingertips

Analysis and synthesis of answers have never been easier

Capture responses in a simple and efficient way

Increase your ability to ask and engage, overcoming the usual biases of group thinking and the roadblocks of time, distance and language.
Plug in other feedback sources to make sure you’ve got it all
Simple, anonymous, effective, collaborative.

Open or closed questions
Synchronous or over a longer period of time. Remote or not.
Advanced tools for efficient facilitation
Filters, stimulation, reminders, keyword extraction...
Better and richer quality of answers
Rephrasing, voting, comments....
Various voting methods
Multiple criteria, up/down...

Accelerate analysis with advanced A.I. features

Save time and gain relevance with our multilingual real-time semantic engine.
Analyze 10x faster and quickly develop a synthesis of answers: main themes, key expressions, consensus, debates...

Multilingual real-time semantic analysis
50 languages handled
Automatic suggestion of topics
Similar ideas grouped together, based on meaning and popularity
Automcatic classification
Define topics with samples upfront and watch answers flow in the right category automatically
Smart search
By semantic similarity, keywords, full text...

Report automatically,
simple and straightforward

Deliver your presentation, write down minutes in a few clicks. Share key takeaways and decisions. You're moving forward!

Automatic report
Ready as soon as the session ends
Dataviz of key analysis
Interactive word cloud, clusters, team dynamics...
Comprehensive capture and detailed stats
All the answers, votes, comments, by segment, by topic...
By link, email, messaging

Let's talk!

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