Manage members of your workspace

June 2, 2021

What is a member?

FluidityApp is an application that allows you to ask questions. You have the possibilty to declare the people you want to reach as members. All members in your workspace can be potential participants to the activities you will create. You are allowed to create activities involving only some of your members. Those members connected to the plateform only see the activities that concern them.

Types of members :         

a)-      Administrator / Organizer

  • Is the one who owns the workspace
  • Customize the workspace, the name, the logo….
  • Define or remove a member’s statut as an ‘organizer’
  • Create activities, and moderate them
  • Invite people to activities
  • Contribute as simple participants to activites
  • Use the AI powered analytical features of fluidityApp and reporting elements who can contributes as simple participants
  • Add  and manage (activate/ deactivate) members in the workspace
  • Consulte and customise final report of activites / share it with all members                                                           

b)-      Organizer

  • Create activities, and moderate them
  • Invite people to activities
  • Contribute as simple participants to activites
  • Use the AI powered analytical features of fluidityApp and reporting elements who can contributes as simple participants
  • Add  and manage (activate/ deactivate) members in the workspace
  • Consulte and customise final report of activites / share it with all members

c)-      Regular

  • Participate to activities , and answer openquestion / vote
  • Consulte report of activites

If ever the number has been limited you can deactivate / reactivate some members, and add others by clicking on'disable'. (the deactivated member has non longer access to his workspace but his contributions are intact ). It is also possible to increase the maximum number of members, by purchasing user licenses.

Members are identified by their email, it is the only necessary element, the otherones ( name, statut, segment …)  remain optional .


P.S : a person who has 2 different emails will have 2 different accounts and 2 different accesses


How to add members to our workspace?

On the home page , on the left of the page click'members' to invite your participants , there is several ways to add members to your workspace:

  • one by one : by clicking on ' Add members' entering the email which is the only necessary element , the other ones remain optional.
  • Another way to add members is to import them directly through an existing contact file by clicking on 'import member’  ( check the image dow below).

Import a list of members

  • In order to import a list of existing members , the table should contain the first name and last name , and the email.

How to manage members?

Segments :

Segment are a category of members , up to 15 segments are allowed and one member can belong to several segments.

What for ? To make your life much easier.   Often when we make people work, it is necessary to identify them in sub-population for exemple : ( marketing, finance ,commercial.. / Europe, usa,middle east..). When creating activities, it allows you to easily add segments of populations.

Segments provides you with the ability to read the results by only taking into account the responses of a given segment.  

You can make a group work and   have access to the results only by segment.

In order to atribute a segment to a user go to =>Select 'Add members', and click=>'user segment'. ( Check the image down below).

Add one member dialog

Another way to select / create/ edit segment is to select on the top of the page the button =>'create/edit a segment'.

Another way to add segments , click on the 'checkbox' on the left of each participants and select'assign a segment'.

Active / Deactive a member :

You have the possibility at any time to activate/deactivate a member in order to join or not to a workspace , or even to particpate to an activity.

In order to do that, click on "disable" button.

Team Page

Edit a member :

You are allowed to edit the members , you have the right to :

  • Moderate the email
  • the name
  • the segment
  • the status

Go to the same page of the image above and click on the right ' Edit' and select the elements you want to edit .

Edit member dialog

  That’s it ! After the import is finished ! Now you are ready to creat activity !

Next article: "How to invite members to join the workspace?"

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