Live of activity

June 2, 2021

What is the live page?

The purpose of the live page is to allow you to see what is produced by the participants continuously for each question of the activity. It is also possible on this page to filter what is produced to analyze / comment / present it live if needed.

The live screens are different depending on the type of the question you are viewing.

The live open question is composed of 4 screens for the facilitators and two for the participants.


List view of answers with the possibility to filter and sort the results

Word cloud view, allows to visualize the keywords and the answers associated with them

Group view, allows you to view the themes and the answers they contain

Team view, allows you to see the participation states and who is participating live


Word cloud view, allows you to view the keywords and the answers associated with them

Group view, allows to visualize the themes and the answers they contain

Live of vote

Live of a vote type question is composed of two screens for the facilitator, one for the participant:


Score view, which allows you to see the score of each idea, all criteria combined/ by criteria

Team view, which allows to see the participation states and who is participating

Live page

Now let's move to the next article!

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